Weekly Update

November 17th, 2005

Greetings, brethren,

This week we have had a very profitable three-day meeting of the Council of Elders here in Charlotte. Mr. Gerald Weston came down from Canada, Mr. Bruce Tyler flew in from Australia and Mr. Syd Hull was able to participate by phone from South Africa, joining the other members of the Council who reside here in the USA. Mr. Meredith welcomed Council members and described doors that have opened to the Work during 2005—including the opportunity to place the Tomorrow's World program on TV in South Africa, and on the Inspiration Network International that covers the UK, much of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, as well as on the Inspiration Network (INSP) that covers the USA. We heard positive and informative reports from Regional Pastors and Regional Directors and discussed several prophetic and doctrinal subjects as well as administrative matters dealing with divorce and remarriage and disfellowshipment. We also spent considerable time discussing the development and refinement of programs for promoting leadership within the Church, pastoral development, and enhancing the biblical knowledge of the ministry and membership. Better utilization of the Internet and more effective ways of doing the Work of God were also addressed. Mr. Meredith concluded the Council meetings by urging everyone to strive to emulate qualities of the leaders of the early Apostolic Church. On the final evening, Mr. and Mrs. Meredith hosted Council members for a dinner at their home. We certainly appreciate your prayers on behalf of the meetings and for those who needed to travel.


Church Visits – Nashville, Tennessee and Athens, Alabama

This past weekend I had the opportunity to drive north and west from Charlotte to Nashville to visit congregations served by Mr. and Mrs. Bob League. The drive through the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee was stunning, with the leaves turning a multitude of colors against a cloudless blue sky. The church visits were very inspiring in Athens (attendance about 30) and Nashville (attendance about 100). Members also traveled in from congregations in Crossville and Chattanooga, TN. It is always encouraging to meet and talk with brethren who value their calling and are focused and excited about the coming Kingdom of God. One of the highlights of the trip was meeting and talking after services with a group of more than 20 enthusiastic young people in their late teens and early twenties in Nashville. The dedicated efforts of Mr. and Mrs. League and those serving with them in these happy and motivated congregations are deeply appreciated.

Living 4 Tomorrow – Young Singles Activity – Saratoga Springs, NY

Living Church of God young adults are invited to attend Living 4 Tomorrow – A Time 4 Young Singles in beautiful Saratoga Springs, New York. The L4T program is open to all singles between the ages of 18 and 30. The L4T format is one of classes and discussion periods focused for the young single Christian adult, mixed with recreation activities and fellowship time. Saratoga Springs provides a unique setting for this winter's L4T. The program fee will be $150 and will cover the cost of all lodging, food and activities. The arrival date is the afternoon/evening of Thursday, December 22. Departure date is Monday morning, December 26. For more information and an application contact Jonathan McNair at [email protected] or visit the following website:



First Things First: We appear to be living at the end of an age. It is also an age of distractions—where job and personal concerns, television, the Internet, and having fun all compete for our attention. In the parable of the sower, and the parable about the ten virgins, Jesus warned that such a time would come (Matthew 13:18-23; 25:1-13). However, the prophet Isaiah also warned, in a prophecy that has definite applications today, that we must "seek the Lord while He may be found" and that we must forsake any evil ways that we may have (Isaiah 55:6-8). In order to develop and maintain a close relationship with God, David made time to pray three times a day—in the morning, at noon and in the evening (Psalm 55:17). Paul reminded Church members in Corinth of the importance of nourishing the gift of God's Spirit within us on a daily basis (II Corinthians 4:16). We do this by making time for regular prayer and Bible study and by taking time to meditate on why we have been called and how we are progressing in our spiritual life (II Timothy 2:15; Proverbs 4:26-27). Our overall goal should be to develop more of the mind, perspective and character of Jesus Christ. Are we really doing these things—or are we frequently distracted? As we head toward the climax of this present age, let's strive to make the most of the time we have (Ephesians 5:15-16) to walk in the footsteps of Jesus as we prepare to rule with Him in the coming Kingdom of God. Let's put First Things First!

Warm regards,

Douglas Winnail