Weekly Update

June 10th, 2004

Greetings everyone,

Attendance figures and offerings for the Feast of Pentecost are still coming in, but already we can tell they have increased substantially over last year. This is very encouraging and we deeply appreciate the way everyone responded to Mr. Meredith's announcement about the needs of the Work, and to our Great God who gives us every good thing. There are several developments in the Work that are starting to take shape, which bode well for the future. You'll be hearing about them as they are refined and finalized, but in the meantime, please keep right on with your dedication and commitment. God is hearing and honoring your wholehearted attitude!


Feast of Tabernacles 2004

The Pre-registration/ Transfer Request / Volunteer Service forms are flooding into the office here in Charlotte. Thanks to all who have taken the time to complete and mail in these forms so quickly. We still have a few imbalances in site transfers. We are working on the principle of one out-one in. Some are being approved now for their second or third site choice. If you are planning to request a transfer, please send in your form now, so we can process your request and get an answer back to you speedily.

To have a smooth-running Feast, each site requires the services of dozens of people. Those who have served in the past know that the best Feasts are the ones at which you serve. Please consider helping at whichever site you attend this year.

Even if you are not requesting a transfer or volunteering to serve, the Festival Office still needs the other information that is asked for on the Pre-registration part of the form. Please take a few minutes this weekend to complete your form and mail it, if you have not yet done so.

Living Youth Camp

The Living Church of God is sponsoring three camps this summer:  Preteen Texas, Preteen Missouri, and LYC Teen Michigan.  There are still spaces available for campers, High School Workers, and Adult Workers.  Please get an application and send it in as soon as possible if you are interested in attending or working at one of these camps.  All applications can be found at the unofficial church member-sponsored website: www.youth-web.org.   For a Teen Michigan application you may call Sue Ruddlesden at:  704- 844-1960, ext 235.  For Preteen Texas call Mr. David Crockett at 682-518-8292.  For Preteen Missouri call Mr. Randy Gregory at 847-249-1057.

Living 4 Tomorrow—A Time 4 Young Singles

Singles ages 18 to 30 are invited to attend Living 4 Tomorrow—A Time 4 Young Singles at beautiful Thunder Bay Resort near Hillman, Michigan, July 14-18. We still have room for both men and women, but right now we need more men. Please fill out the very simple application found at the unofficial church member-sponsored website, www.youth-web.org, if you are interested in attending this activity. Those who have attended past L4T sessions have found this activity to be very rewarding. L4T is filled with learning, fun, and fellowship. Get your application in quickly, as there is a limit to how many we can take.

Indonesia Church Visit

Mr. Rajan Moses writes: I arrived in Juanda airport, Surabaya in East Java, Indonesia on 4th June 2004 at 10.30 am. Arius and his brother-in-law met me at the airport. We traveled by van to Malang, which took us about 90 minutes.

I conducted a short Bible study and spoke about the Work of God. After the Bible study we had a group singing. After the singing we had a pot luck dinner with the members.

Next day, the Sabbath morning, a total of 12 members attended the Sabbath services. I gave the sermon on using the Holy Spirit. We had lunch together and in the afternoon I conducted a Bible study on the three tithes, followed by a question and answer session. I met a new girl who is attending the service for the past three months. I counseled William, a prospective, for baptism. I have counseled him two years ago and I think he is now ready for baptism.

Sunday morning all the members and I visited a church member in Kesambem. It took us about 1hr and 50 minutes to reach her place. Every Sabbath she walks two kilometers from her place to the main road and gets the public transportation to travel to Arius home for services. And after services in the evening she takes the public transportation and reaches home late in the night. Her village is surrounded by forest and mountains. I have asked Arius to give her a torch light so that she can use it when she walks back home late at night from the main road. I conducted a Bible study on the Kingdom of God and the meaning of Born again. After lunch we traveled to to see the new Feast site.

On Monday 5th June morning, Arius and I went to the computer shop to look for some software. In the afternoon we visited all the brethren's homes. We spent about ½ hr in each place. We visited a total of seven families during my visit. Some of the brethren asked Bible questions during our visit and were very encouraged that we visited them.

The Work in Indonesia is truly been blessed by God. There has been a lot of changes for the past two years. Brethren are spiritually growing in understanding of the word of God and are strong in the faith. Arius, our video recipient, is doing a good job in translating all the Living Church of God's material. These materials have helped the brethren to understand and to grow spiritually. What amazes one is that there is freedom of religion in Indonesia. There are many Christian Churches in Malang and many mosques. You cannot identify who is a Christian or who is a Muslim unless the Muslim women are wearing the head scarves. In families you can see one may be Christian and other may be a Muslim.


Mr. Gaylyn Bonjour writes: Dear brethren, we have an unusual request to make at this time. We have recently been experiencing long delays in the U.S. postal system. Some of you have not received member/coworker letters, the Festival Planner, and the Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs, etc., in a timely manner. (The new booklet, Does God Heal Today?, was mailed last week). Please write or e-mail ([email protected]) us with the specifics so we can address this issue with the U.S. Postal Service. Thank you for all of your help.


From time to time we hear about unpleasant incidents or conduct among members of the Body of Christ, the Church. These are usually isolated but disappointing nevertheless. A little leaven leavens the whole lump, we're told. None of us are perfect, of course. We all have a long way to go spiritually, but we need to make sure we are alert, watching and working on personal overcoming every day with God's help. A passage from Scripture that regularly helps me examine my attitude toward others and try to make the necessary adjustments (and there are always some to make) is found in Ephesians 4:31-32.

Perhaps it can serve as a reminder and guide to all of you as well. It says, "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." When you think about it, that's putting Apostolic Christianity into action, "where the rubber hits the road"!

Have a splendid Sabbath!

Charles E. Bryce