Weekly Update

April 29th, 2004

Hello from Charlotte!

Many friends and family attended Mr. Carl McNair's funeral last Sunday in northern Arkansas. Mr. McNair was buried just a few miles from the homeplace of his youth. Mr. Roderick Meredith gave a funeral message that strengthened and encouraged all of us. Please remember Dorothy McNair and her family as we now move forward to finish God's Work with zeal and whole heartedness following the example set by our friend, Mr. Carl McNair.


We have been faced with a big dilemma about how to fill the void left in the western region by Mr. McNair's death. Mr. Meredith has approved the following plan to address the problem: Dr. Jeff Fall will be the Regional Pastor of the new southwest region, effective immediately. All of the congregations and ministers located in Las Vegas, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and southern California south of Fresno, should report to Dr. Fall as their Regional Pastor from now on. He will be sending you his phone number, address and e-mail ASAP.

Mr. Rod McNair will be the Regional Pastor in the new northwest region, effective immediately. All of the congregations and ministers in Nevada (except Las Vegas), Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Alaska and northern California including Fresno, should report to Mr. McNair as their Regional Pastor from now on. He will be sending you his phone number, address and e-mail ASAP. Congratulations to the Falls and McNairs on their new responsibilities. I'm sure they would greatly appreciate our prayers! By the way, North and South Dakota are in Mr. Rand Millich's region.

Living 4 Tomorrow – A Time 4 Young Singles (Hillman, Michigan 2004)

Living Church of God young adults are invited to attend Living 4 Tomorrow – A Time 4 Young Singles at beautiful Thunder Bay Resort near Hillman, Michigan. The format will be similar to the ones held last year in Michigan and Missouri, but new classes are planned on subjects covering Christian Leadership, Family Matters, Creating a Culture of Purity, and Doctrines of the Church. Recreational activities will include a dance, team activities, and plenty of "Fellowship Time." The fee of US $155 covers the cost of all lodging, food and activities. Space is limited. Please get your application in early.

L4T is open to ALL singles between the ages of 18 and 30. Arrival day is Wednesday, July 14, with a get acquainted barbeque scheduled for that evening. Departure date is Sunday morning, July 18. Applications can be found at the following unofficial church-member sponsored Web site: www.youth-web.org or you may request an application from Gerald Weston by calling 905 814-1103 or by e-mail at: [email protected]. Apply soon, as openings are expected to fill up quickly and airline tickets can be expensive if you wait too long.

Living Youth Camp

Mr. Gerald Weston writes: Living Youth Camp applications are now available for Pre-teen camps in Missouri and Texas and the teen camp in Michigan.  Because we were late in getting them out, the April 15 deadline is extended, but we ask that you fill out and send in your applications as soon as possible.  You can acquire an application at the following unofficial church member-sponsored Web site: www.youth-web.org.  You may also get an application by calling Sue Ruddlesden at: 704-844-1960, ext 235.

Local Church Libraries

We are experiencing a problem of late that involves local Church libraries. The local church libraries are intended to showcase literature we as a Church have to offer. The booklets may be borrowed and returned, but the idea is for those who want the items to write or call Headquarters and request their own copies, not keep copies from the libraries. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter.

Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs

We are getting feedback about the Statement of Fundamental Beliefs sent to all member households in the Living Church of God. We appreciate the encouragement and suggestions and urge all of you to carefully study this document. Please let us know if you do not receive your copy soon.


Although we are having a number of our beloved brethren come down with severe illness, we are hearing about divine healings as well, even though we need many more! If God has healed you or anyone you know in your Church area recently, it would be very encouraging and inspiring to hear about it. Please let us know of such healings and interventions so we can all share them.


Thanks to those who returned to HQ their Holy Day Offering packages and offering reports of Unleavened Bread promptly. There have only been a few late HDO packages sent in, and you know who you are [smile].

For Pentecost, please remember to fill out the HDO report completely, including attendance, number of envelopes, and any Church groups that met with you, and include it with the offerings sent to Charlotte. Due to a mail problem, you may have used up all your extra green Holy Day envelopes. Please notify Mr. Bonjour in MPD by phone at 704-844-1960 ext 271, or by email at [email protected], if you need extra envelopes.

For members: we apologize if you did not receive your green envelopes in time (or not at all) before the Days of Unleavened Bread. There is a problem in the bulk mail system, which we are identifying and addressing. If you still have not received your pre-coded green Holy Day envelopes, please notify us by calling 704-844-1970 or sending email to [email protected].


The second Passover is on Wednesday, May 5, this year. The service should be conducted on the previous evening, Tuesday, May 4, just after sunset. Only baptized Church members who could not take the first Passover should take the second Passover. Those who were baptized after the first Passover and before the second Passover should wait until next year to take the Passover. The explanation and guidelines for the second Passover are found in Numbers 9:1-14.

All is going well here at Headquarters as we make preparations for the Feast of Pentecost coming soon. We trust and hope that everything is going well with all of you. Keep up the good work and keep the big picture in mind as we pick up speed in this exciting crusade Christ has called on everyone of us to carry out!

Have a joyous Sabbath,

Charles E. Bryce