Weekly Update

December 26th, 2002


On the Sabbath of December 21, 239 members of the Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and Palm Springs congregations gathered in Orange County for a special Sabbath service marking the 10th anniversary of the renewal of God's Work, and the 50th anniversary of Dr. Roderick C. Meredith's ordination as an Evangelist in God's Church.

After the opening prayer, the brethren heard a sermonette by Dr. Donald Roach, one of the local elders, who spoke on the necessity of continuing the Work.

Dr. Meredith then gave a sermon outlining the history of the Philadelphia era of God's Church, and emphasizing the importance of remaining Philadelphian even in this Laodecian era. Stressing that we must not lose sight of the 'big picture'—the carrying out of the Great Commission that Jesus Christ gave to His Church—he spoke movingly of God's reward to those who endure until the end.

Following the service, Evangelist Richard Ames made a special presentation to Dr. Meredith—a mantel clock inscribed with Romans 10:15 and with the words: "In grateful recognition of Roderick C. Meredith's 50 years of servant leadership as an Evangelist in God's Church, restoring Apostolic Christianity around the world."

Brethren enjoyed afterward a reception organized by the Garden Grove congregation, with the help of the La Crescenta, San Diego and Palm Springs congregations. Though the Garden Grove congregation is known for its exceptional and gracious hospitality, most who attended felt that the Garden Grove brethren outdid themselves on this occasion with the wide and sumptuous array of finger-foods that kept more than 200 brethren circulating for hours, sharing their appreciation of the Work and one another.

Death of Mr. Ralph Scarborough—long-time faithful member of God's Church

A report by Steve Bode

"Greetings from Kansas City,
"Mr. Ralph Scarborough, 67, died last Sabbath morning (around 3:00 a.m.) He had gotten up as he sometimes did in the middle of the night to do some Bible study (around 1:00 a.m.).  When he went back to his bedroom he collapsed at the door where he died from a massive blood clot in his lungs. 

"Mr. Ralph Scarborough and his wife Pat had 10 boys and 2 girls, 52 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren.  Seven of their sons and both daughters (and their families) are all members of the Kansas City LCG group.  He was deeply respected by all of us here in this congregation and by all others who knew him.

"The funeral service conducted by Mr. Charles Bryce was held last Monday in Blue Springs, Missouri. Other ministers and elders in attendance were Mr. Gerald Weston, Mr. David Burson, Mr. Sheldon Monson, Mr. James Wells, Mr. John Turner, Mr. Rod Reynolds, and Mr. Bill Oswald. There were approximately 500 people at the funeral service.  Afterwards, approximately 200 friends and family visited with Mrs. Pat Scarborough at her home.

"His wife is doing as well as can be expected and ALL of the LCG members of their family attended services later the same Sabbath day (even one son that is with WCG).  They said they could remember Ralph Scarborough only missing two Sabbath services, so they didn't feel it would be right to stay home.  The sermon messages were very inspiring and comforting and helpful to all of us."

Cards and letters may be mailed to Pat Scarborough at her home:
Patricia Scarborough
23512 E. Strode Road
Blue Springs, MO  64015


EU expansion & Bible prophecy—by Douglas Winnail

As December 2002 came to a close the 15-member European Union made a historic decision to take in 10 more nations—mostly ex-communist countries in Eastern Europe. This brings the number of nations in the Union to 25. Some wonder how this relates to end-time prophecies and if the church's understanding of Bible prophecy is all wrong? However, we need to remember the Scriptures state ten kings will give their authority to a beast at the end of the age (Rev. 17:12-13). This beast power will be a fragile sort of federation (iron & clay) with clear links to the ancient Roman Empire that has seen periodic revivals in central Europe over the centuries (Dan. 2:40-43; 7:19-25).

Europe is a very dynamic place at the moment and a lot of things are happening. The configuration of the European Union in the months and years ahead may not remain as it is today. Former president of the European Commission, Jacques Delores, has stated that as the EU extends outward, it will have a greater need for a strong inner governing core—and that expansion will make this imperative. The Treaty of Amsterdam, signed in 1997, introduced a flexibility clause that "allows a group of nations to move ahead of the rest in specific areas of cooperation" (see Rethinking Europe's Future by David Calleo, 2001, p. 283). This would permit a smaller number of nations to forge a political union with a foreign policy and military capability that other members of the present EU would not be obliged to join—this two-track Europe idea bears watching.

The nations joining the EU are generally poorer and lack the infrastructure of their more affluent Western neighbors. They speak different languages and have different customs and traditions. This will make consensus more difficult. The new members all hope to receive generous financial aid for joining the EU club, however most of the economies in Western Europe are struggling and Germany is getting tired of paying most of the bills. This could lead to a reconfiguration of the current EU. Lots can happen in this turbulent situation. We will have to watch. However, as we watch, we also need to be growing and overcoming so we can be ready to serve mankind when Christ returns.


Lake Tahoe Singles Weekend

Fifty-six singles from all over North America traveled to Lake Tahoe for the Singles Weekend, December 21-24.  Recent storms brought outstanding skiing conditions with up to 7 feet of new snow in the High Sierras.  The four-day outing was highlighted by a sermon by Mr. Carl McNair on the Sabbath, a potluck and dance Saturday evening, and a Singles Bible Study by Dr. Jeff Fall Sunday night.  Many thanks to all the participants for making the weekend a success.


Death is never pleasant. But the circumstances surrounding Mr. Ralph Scarborough's death are significant and most heartwarming. Imagine! He had gotten up "as he sometimes did in the middle of the night to do some Bible study (around 1 a.m.)" and upon returning to his bedroom he collapsed at the door and died. Could there be a better way of dying than right after studying the Bible? The next instant when he opens his eyes, he will be seeing and meeting his Creator. Mr. Scarborough's example and zeal would put to shame those of us who pretend not to find time to study the Bible!

His death reminds me of that of another old-timer, a good friend of mine named Bill Homberger. He was one of the pioneers on the Ambassador campus in Pasadena. You can find a brief description of him in Mr. Herbert Armstrong's own Autobiography. In those early years, Bill had sent in most of his life savings and drove to Pasadena in his old pick up truck to offer freely his services to God's church and the campus. One morning, many years later, I received an urgent phone call from Annie Mann, the campus housemother. She said she had been unable to locate Bill. When she and I went up to his small apartment built on top of Mr. Armstrong's garage, we find him lying on his sofa, one hand holding the Bible and the other under his head. Bill, too, had been blessed with one of the best way of dying. If only we had in God's Church, today, more Ralph Scarboroughs and more Bill Hombergers...

Finally, I would like to mention another fantastic example—that of Mr. Herbert W Armstrong's wife, Loma Armstrong. A woman of faith, she was fully aware and convinced of her responsibilities in God's Work. A few days before her death, she said to a number of leading ministers gathered at her bedside, "You men go on and get your work done—I am going to be all right…"

Death is never pleasant, no. However, in the face of such inspiring examples death loses its sting, allowing each of us to go on living with our eyes confidently fixed on God, on His promises and His wonderful Kingdom.

Y'all have a nice Sabbath.

Dibar Apartian