September 12, 2006

September 12th, 2006

Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ,

 Greetings from Charlotte, NC! Britain, Canada and America are at war! Make no mistake. Regardless of his good intentions, when President Bush ordered the attack on Iraq, he unwittingly set in motion a chain of events which will help “break” the pride and power of our peoples (Lev. 26:19). Although few could have foreseen where this Iraq adventure would lead, it is now developing into a full-scale war—not just with Iraq—but with the entire “Muslim nation.” For, regardless of national identity, hundreds of millions of Muslims look upon themselves as one people. And their militant leaders are now playing on this theme with increasing effect.

 Britain’s highly esteemed magazine, The Economist(September 7, 2006), points out that there are now 1.3 billion Muslims! And we are beginning to realize that increasing tens of millions of this vast multitude are starting to absolutely hate the United States and our allies with an increasing depth of hatred which our peoples have seldom, if ever, experienced. Iran, for instance, has blatantly expressed its intentions toward America and Israel. Almost exactly a year ago, as I write, “In a military parade held in September 2005, during ‘Sacred Defense Week,’ Iran flaunted the latest versions of ballistic missiles produced by its military including the Zilzal 1 and 2. The namesake of this missile is a verse in the Qur’an that tells of the final earthquake that precipitates Judgment Day. The missiles were emblazoned with the slogans: ‘We will trample America under our feet,’ ‘Israel should be wiped off the map,’ ‘Death to America,’ and ‘Death to Israel’” (The New York Sun, July 28, 2006).

 Why do these Muslim nations seem to hate the United States and its western allies? What motivates these people, and how is their thinking about certain events far different from ours? If we understand this, we may be better able to properly interact with our Muslim neighbors, as well as being more careful of what we do and where we travel.

 Over the years, I have read quite a number of articles and at least two books referring, in depth, to the Muslim religion and the problems associated with some of its more militant members. However, recently, I have read a most in depth and profoundly revealing book on this entire subject. It is entitled, The Crisis of Islam by Bernard Lewis. Mr. Lewis is internationally recognized as one of our era’s greatest historians of the Middle East. He is the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies Emeritus at Princeton University. He truly knows what he is talking and writing about.

 In the above book, he describes the fact that “a significant number of Muslims—notably but not exclusively those whom we call fundamentalists—are hostile and dangerous, not because we need an enemy but because they do.”

 Then, he explains, “In recent years, there have been some changes of perception and, consequently, of tactics among Muslims. Some of them still see the West in general and its present leader the United States in particular as the ancient and irreconcilable enemy of Islam, the one serious obstacle to the restoration of God’s faith and law at home and their ultimate universal triumph. For these there is no way but war to the death, in fulfillment of what they see as the commandments of their faith” (Ibid., p. 28).

 On page 31, Mr. Lewis continues, “For most of the fourteen centuries of recorded Muslim history, jihad was most commonly interpreted to mean armed struggle for the defense or advancement of Muslim power. In Muslim tradition, the world is divided into two houses:  the House of Islam (Dār al-Islām), in which Muslim governments rule and Muslim law prevails, and the House of War (Dār al-Harb), the rest of the world, still inhabited and, more important, ruled by infidels. The presumption is that the duty of jihad will continue, interrupted only by truces, until all the world either adopts the Muslim faith or submits to Muslim rule.”

 Please think deeply about that, brethren!

 For it is the ultimate goal of fanatical Muslim leaders to “conquer” the world in the sense that all human beings either become Muslims, totally submit to Muslim domination or eventually be ultimately wiped out! If you read this book carefully—and many other books and articles say essentially the same thing but with less authoritative historical references, quotes and proofs—then you can begin to understand what is happening. Then you can begin to understand how increasing tens of millions of Muslims are being “won over” by the growing power of militant Islam. Then you will begin to understand even more how to “watch and pray” which Jesus told us to do!

 Dear brethren and co-workers, as we approach the end of this age, it will become increasingly evident that our lives are in God’s hands. He—the true God, the Creator God—is our only source of genuine protection. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “In Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). That great God is now beginning to empower His Work. For reasons none of us fully grasp, He has “called” many of us to an understanding of His Word, and of the awesome purpose He is working out here on earth—and He is giving us an opportunity to be Jesus Christ’s “ambassadors” in reaching out to the world with the genuine message which Christ preached.

 Together, as co-workers with Christ, we have the opportunity and the challenge to help millions come to an understanding of the reality of God and of His divine intervention in human affairs. We can prepare ourselves—and help others to prepare—to be “kings and priests to our God and we shall reign on the earth” (Rev. 5:10).

 This Work of the living Jesus Christ is a special “tool” which God is using to prepare the way for that glorious Kingdom. May God help all of you to understand the significance of the tremendous understanding you have been given, and are being given, by God. Let all of us deeply appreciate the opportunity God is giving us! Thank you for your enthusiastic, zealous support of the unique Work which Christ is doing through those of us who are part of this campaign.

The Work of Christ needs your help now, brethren! I pray that our Father in heaven will place in your heart a fervent desire to be truly generous in your support of the Work which He is doing through His human servants at this time. With prophetic events cascading toward the end of this age, our hearts should literally cry out to reach the world more powerfully. We should want to help in every way we can to reach our Israelitish brethren with the “Ezekiel warning” about the soon-coming Great Tribulation. Our peoples need to understand the events that are now underway. I am working about as hard as I can at age 76. But I and our dedicated “team” of men and women can only do so much. May God inspire each of you, also, to go “above and beyond” in your support for the momentous Work of your Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ.

With Christian love,

Roderick C. Meredith