Weekly Update

November 12th, 1999

Greetings Everyone:

I am happy to be able to report to you once again. My wife and I went to Tacoma October 20th. From Tacoma we went to our home in Montana, from where I left my wife (!) and where she is presently. She will remain there until after Thanksgiving week (which is November 25th this year). Then she will return with me to San Diego. Our current separation was Biblical! (1 Cor. 7:5)


As reported earlier, many of our brethren around the world have been tested sorely by sickness and death. We always grieve the loss of a loved one, but when the loss is of a young ones it is much more difficult to cope with. I always remember that Jesus Christ-who was without sin-was cut off very early in life, at 33 ½ years of age. Of course there was a great purpose in His death as a sacrifice for mankind. But the loss of a fine young son or daughter is personally devastating, even when we know they will be resurrected into a wonderful world environment and our prayers and hearts cry out for the families currently suffering. Certainly we must all draw close to God and to one another because Satan is angry and desires to destroy God's people.

Mr. Don Contardi wrote that his cancer's growth has apparently been arrested. He is still suffering considerable pain and has lost much weight, so please continue to pray for his full recovery. We are guardedly optimistic.


Mr. Charles Bryce reports a good growth pattern in Canada. Several new people have started attending Church since the Feast. Our Canadian web site continues to draw significant inquiries. In the last seven days we have received 455 inquiries. Web inquiries in September were at a record level, which was broken in October, and will be exceeded by November! People are requesting literature, Church location, viewing the telecast, and listening to the commentaries.


Brethren, as we enter the cold winter months it is very important that we work to announce the coming of the glorious Kingdom of God. If we focus on announcing the Kingdom of God the trials and vicissitudes of our daily lives are surmountable. Remember Stephen, a Deacon in the Jerusalem Church, who was the first martyr following the establishment of the New Testament Church. Stephen preached a very positive, indisputable message (Acts 6:8-15; 7:1-60) which precipitated his martyrdom. Stephen's example of faith and courage is an inspiration today as it has been through the ages. Stephen's death was a personal tragedy-which God could have prevented. But God had a higher purpose that his martyrdom fulfilled. By faith we know our will is subject to His will in every way. When facing crucifixion Jesus prayed, "not my will, but thy will, be done" (Matt. 26:36-44). Again, a personal tragedy for his mother and family, but He knew that God was working out a great purpose in his sacrifice.


Mr. Meredith announced in his member letter this week that beginning December 5th we begin airing the Tomorrow's World program on KSPR, Springfield, Missouri at 8:30 a.m. Thank your for your prayers for the success of Work!


"Learn from the negative as well as the positive, from the failures as well as the successes." (The Treasury of Quotes by Jim Rohn)

Have a great Sabbath!
