Living Church News

Volume 22, No. 2, March/April 2020

What Passover Teaches About the Days of Unleavened Bread

Wallace G. Smith

As we enter the Spring Holy Day season, it is important to recognize the “cumulative” nature of God’s annual Holy Days and what they represent. Most of us in God’s Church recognize that the “feasts of the Lord” given in Leviticus 23—kept by Jesus…

Rethinking Thomas’ Doubt

Dexter B. Wakefield

“Doubting Thomas”—everyone looks down on him. But if we look more carefully at Thomas and his demand for proof, we can see how God used this disciple’s skepticism and lack of faith to help strengthen our faith today.

Jesus Washed Judas’ Feet...Would You?

Scott D. Winnail

Our Savior, Jesus Christ, left us with many lessons to ponder as we study His final evening in the flesh. That Passover evening involved new, powerful symbols that go to the heart of what it means to be a Christian. Of profound importance as we…

The Mail Processing Department An Interview with Mr. Gaylyn Bonjour

Thomas White

Among the many people we should all thank for this magazine you are currently reading, let’s be sure to include the Church’s Mail Processing Department! For the past two decades that department has been captained by the ever-jovial Mr. Gaylyn…

Charlotte Family Weekend 2019 Looking Back and Looking Forward

William Williams

Charlotte Family Weekend 2019 has come and gone, and as we go forward in 2020 with wonderful memories, we can also look back to consider 13 previous years of successful events.