LCN Article
Atonement: Becoming Sons of Light

September / October 2009

Wyatt Ciesielka

In Luke 16:8 and John 12:36, Jesus refers to the "sons of light." In 1 Thessalonians 5:4–5, Paul prophesies that the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord will not overtake the sons of light, and that they will receive salvation (vv. 9–10) at Christ's return.

What does this have to do with the Day of Atonement? Examining and understanding this question is not only fascinating, it is a crucial key to our understanding the ultimate fulfillment of the meaning of the Day of Atonement—and how we, as the "sons of light," will eventually replace Satan and his demonic hosts as rulers in the soon-coming Kingdom of God!

Yes, the ultimate fulfillment of the Day of Atonement is coming soon! Satan knows his time is short, and in that time God's faithful Church must be preparing actively for an awesome destiny! Do we understand how the sons of light will soon replace Satan? Do we understand the qualities that we must now be developing? Are we making ourselves ready for the ultimate fulfillment of the Day of Atonement?

Two Goats

Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ willingly offered Himself as the perfect, complete and final sacrifice to once and for all provide propitiation for the sins of all humanity (John 3:16). Christ was the perfect Passover Lamb (Hebrews 10:1–10). His scourging was so severe that He was disfigured beyond recognition (Isaiah 52:14). And His brutal scourging provides for our physical healing, while His death was propitiation for our sins and provides for our spiritual redemption (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24; Hebrews 9:28).

Each year, during the Passover season, we solemnly remember Christ's perfect sacrifice. But we know that, in addition to the Passover, ancient Israel observed another animal sacrifice that also foreshadowed Christ's redemptive plan. It took place on the Day of Atonement, the Holy Day on which two goats bore the people's sins. These two goats could not possibly represent more spiritually different beings! One goat represented the father of lies, the most evil and corrupt being. Another goat represented the Son of God—the Word, our compassionate High Priest, our coming Messiah.

The slain goat represented Christ (Leviticus 16:8, 15)—innocent, but sacrificed for our sins. The azazel goat represented Satan. The people's sins were placed on the azazel goat before it was led into the wilderness by a "suitable" or a "strong" man (Leviticus 16:21). The azazel goat suffered the same fate that Satan will soon suffer: removal and banishment. This annual act foreshadowed anciently what will happen to Satan in the near future (Revelation 20:1–3).

Whereas the azazel goat was cast out into the wilderness, the slain goat provided for atonement to God. Christ's perfect sacrifice replaced the ancient requirement of animal sacrifices (Hebrews 10:1–10). Today, God's law is being written into the hearts of the firstfruits; members of His Church. In God's Kingdom, after Christ's second coming, the law will be written in the hearts of the entire world (vv. 11–18). God writing His law in our hearts was made possible through Jesus' perfect sacrifice (Hebrews 10:12), and began with the establishment of the New Testament Church on Pentecost, 31AD (Acts 2:16–17, 38–39). This process will be fulfilled during the Millennium, after Christ returns as the conquering King of kings, when all of His enemies will be subjugated under Him (Psalm 110:1; Hebrews 10:13; Revelation 17:14).

Spiritual War and the abyssos

Satan is not currently bound or removed from ruling this world! However, as Satan knows well, his "time is short" (Revelation 12:12), and he will soon be led away to where he cannot harm people. Then, those who are truly living with Christ in them—who are fully submitted to God's law, and who have grown in love toward one another—will replace Satan and become immortal, perfect and powerful kings and priests under Christ (Revelation 17:14).

And, just as the azazel goat was bound "by a strong man" and cast out, or "banished" into the wilderness, so will a mighty angel bind and banish Satan into a "bottomless pit" (Greek: abyssos), meaning an immeasurable and unbounded gulf of separation, or an abyss (Revelation 20:1–3).

This " bottomless pit "—o r abyssos—is well known to Satan. In ancient times, year after year, Satan saw the azazel goat led into a desolate wilderness typifying his future banishment! At Jesus Christ's return, Satan will be bound and banished into that desolate abyss, just as in ancient times the azazel goat was bound and banished to the desolate wilderness!

The Day of Atonement means much more than fasting and asking for forgiveness of our sins; it is about two absolutely contrary ways of life and two absolutely contrary paths. The Day of Atonement is about our ceasing to be children of darkness, and seeking God's strength to become sons of light.

When we fast properly before God on the Day of Atonement— when we "rend our heart" before the Lord and ask Him for that strength— He will be gracious to us, and He will give us the spiritual strength to overcome all things (Joel 2:12–13; James 4:7–10).

Satan Is a Liar, But Christians Love the Truth

Satan is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). He has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9). One of Satan's most deceptive lies has been to replace God's Holy Days with pagan rituals.

One key reason why Satan has so viciously attacked God's Holy Days is that these days show us God's roadmap to salvation—for Christians individually, and for the world as a whole. Satan absolutely hates that God is working out a plan of salvation with a small firstfruit harvest that will rule under Christ to replace the devil as rulers of this world. Satan also knows full well the meaning and the implication for him behind such Holy Days as the Day of Atonement!

In the Millennium, God's law will be in effect. Prophetic scriptures such as Isaiah 66:23 and Zechariah 14:16– 20 are simply irrefutable proclamations that when Christ rules as King of kings on this earth, with His saints under Him, God's biblical laws, seventh- day Sabbath and Holy Days will be taught and observed throughout the earth!

Countless millions of professing Christians have swallowed one of Satan's biggest lies—that while God's laws were in effect from the days of Adam and Noah, through Abraham, and to Christ, they were somehow "nailed to the cross" at Jesus' death. In truth, we know that Christ and the Apostles plainly observed the Sabbath and the Holy Days (Luke 4:16; Acts 17:2) and that our Savior commanded His disciples to go into all the world to "make disciples of all the nations" and teach "them to observe all things that I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19–20)—not to try to "do away with" the Sabbath and Holy Days that Christ and His Apostles clearly kept.

True Christians, who are described as "sons of light," should take great comfort in knowing that God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). Satan's administration is founded on lies, but God's government is founded on truth—so we can believe the promises God has made to us. Sons of light are required to practice and teach these truths— because we love Christ, and because we will continue to teach these truths and these laws in the coming Kingdom of God (Isaiah 2:3; Micah 4:2; Revelation 20:6)!

Obedient Christians who are "crucified with" Christ now, and in whom Christ lives today (Galatians 2:20), are preparing in a very real way for this rulership in the Kingdom of God. When we love and practice the truth, we not only reject Satan, but we also fulfill John's instruction in 1 John 3:18 where he wrote, "My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth." Conversely, those who accept Satanic lies—willingly or unwittingly—are deceived, at best, and are guilty of terrible sin against God at worst!

In his powerful book, Satan's Great Deception, Dr. C. Paul Meredith powerfully addressed the topic of those who teach that God's law, Sabbaths and Holy Days are done away. He wrote, "The ministers today do not represent God. If the ministers today do not represent the True God then they represent other gods and the people worshiping under them are worshiping in idolatry! This is the one thing above all things that God will not tolerate. Never can they obtain eternal life by this means. They are breaking the first commandment, 'Thou shall have no other gods before Me' (Exodus 20:3)" (p. 125, 1953 edition). This is a very sobering admonition.

We must be very careful to submit our thoughts and intentions to God daily, and we must be determined to practice and teach the Truth. We need to be very careful to humbly submit to God our Father and Christ our High Priest. Let us never underestimate Satan, nor his terrible demonic servants and the lies they propagate!

Satan and his demons continually wait for us to stray from our Mighty Shepherd, and sin is what distances us from Christ (Isaiah 59:2). If we distance ourselves from Christ, then Satan and his demons will attack like vicious predators (1 Peter 5:8). But when we draw close to Christ, Satan will flee from us (James 4:7). On the Day of Atonement, especially, we should be drawing very, very close to Christ.

Satan Harms, But God Heals

We have seen that the two goats represent two completely different and contradictory systems—two absolutely different ways of life. One is the way of darkness, lies, disobedience, harm and death. The other is the way of light, truth, obedience, healing and eternal life.

Satan is a destroyer, but God is a healer. We have already seen that by Christ's stripes repentant Christians are healed, and that by His death our sins are forgiven (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24). Through Christ's sacrifice, He has authority to both heal and forgive sins. And, just as healing was part of Christ's ministry (Matthew 4:23–24; Luke 6:17) and continued through the Apostles (Acts 5:12–16), and is part of what the Church of God continues to do (James 5:14–16), healing and blessing the nations will likewise be a vital part of what Christ and the saints will do in the Kingdom (Isaiah 58:8).

Our God is Yahweh Ropheka—the Eternal who heals (Exodus 15:26). If we ever doubt how much God wants us to have health, consider that He gave His perfect Son to be brutally struck, scourged and beaten until the flesh was ripped from His body and He was disfigured beyond human recognition (Isaiah 52:14) for our healing. While developing righteous character is of primary importance to God, health and healing for each of us individually, and for the entire world, is also undeniably central to God's will.

If we have ever carelessly harmed our bodies by chronically missing sleep, continually eating "junk food," smoking, practicing sexual deviance (which often brings communicable diseases), abusing alcohol or drugs or engaging in any type of physical behavior that destroys our body—which is "the temple of the Holy Spirit" (John 2:21; 1 Corinthians 6:19)—we should realize that those acts of ours are the precise ones that required the terrible, bloody and brutal beating and scourging that our Lord suffered. This aspect of Christ's sacrifice was for our physical health and healing.

Christians Practice Mercy Now

Do we, as Christians, not only do our best to take care of our own health, but also to forgive others and pray for God to heal them? We should continually pray for each other, asking for God's intervention for our spiritual brothers and sisters. In fact, we are commanded to do so (James 5:16)!

We must be kind to one another and forgive offenses against us (Luke 11:4). This must be our daily way of life. On the Day of Atonement, it is especially appropriate to ask God to strengthen love and mercy in us, and to create in us hearts that are even more kind, forgiving and desirous of others' spiritual and physical wellbeing. This is core to true Christianity (John 15:13; 1 John 3:16).

Isaiah 58:5–10 is a good passage to meditate upon when we consider how God associates righteousness, compassion, mercy and "laying down one's life" with becoming worthy to be part of Christ's team who will provide healing in the Millennium.

Those who learn to live righteously and compassionately now will be the ones whose lights "shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you" (Isaiah 58:8). In verses 5–10, God inspired Isaiah to prophesy about the coming days when the sons of light will inherit immortality. It is clear that at that time, patterns of mercy, kindness, forgiveness, blessing and healing toward others—qualities that we must be developing now—will be magnified beyond what we can now imagine!

Notice how God associates proper fasting with our future mission of helping Christ heal the entire world (vv. 5–6). The prophet is also inspired to point toward that millennial time when the Day of Atonement will be fulfilled and when Satan will be bound and removed. It is at that time when our lights will "break forth like the morning" and we will rule under Christ as kings and priests, healing the entire world!

Satan's Kingdom, or Christ's Kingdom?

Christ has delivered us from the power of darkness, which is Satan's kingdom (Colossians 1:13). Let us be so very thankful for that deliverance, and for having been called to the Truth. Let us remember that when we turn from darkness to light, we turn from Satan to Christ (Acts 26:18), and from Satan's kingdom to Christ's kingdom.

We are sons of light, and we love the light—we love the truth of God. God's people recognize His true ministers who teach according to the scriptures—which includes teaching and keeping God's law, His Holy Days, His seventh-day Sabbath and His Gospel message of the soon-coming Kingdom of God under Christ's rule. No matter how well-intentioned the priests and ministers of this world may be—and they may indeed be very "nice people"—they demonstrate by their teachings and their actions that they are simply not ministers of God, and do not have God's Holy Spirit in them (1 Thessalonians 5:5; Isaiah 8:20).

In Tomorrow's World, Christ will be the Light and the source of all truth and law (Revelation 21:23). Today, as Christians, we must let our lights shine—radiating that true light living in us, Jesus Christ. "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden" and "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:14, 16).We "were once darkness but now are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light" (Ephesians 5:8).

In his very important booklet, Your Ultimate Destiny—which all of us should really study in order to help gain strength and courage to continue our Christian journey through life—Dr. Roderick C. Meredith addresses the "ultimate purpose" to which a Christian is called:

Let's turn to 1 John 3 for a moment. After describing how we shall be "like" Christ and be able to look right into the face of that blinding glory, John writes, "And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure" (v. 3). Once we grasp the ultimate purpose of God, the truly incredible human potential that our Creator has planned for us, we have every reason to want to be "pure," to live a righteous and holy life.

Our true reward is not some vague and nebulous "pie in the sky" concept of "rolling around heaven" all day, with nothing to do. Rather, it involves becoming "sons of the resurrection" and joining Christ in actively ruling this planet for at least the next 1,000 years. What will Christ's saints be doing? They will be cleaning up pollution, stamping out pornography and war and healing the sick. The saints' job will be to bring indescribable joy to a shell-shocked world. Could anything be more personally rewarding?

We shall not merely rule over humans, but over the mighty angels of God! Notice 1 Corinthians 6:2–3: "Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?" Our whole Christian experience of developing Christ's mind (Philippians 2:5) and character is for this supreme purpose (p. 16).

Time To Become Ready!

To a true Christian, the Day of Atonement pictures so much more than the world can realize. When Atonement is fulfilled in the coming years—when Satan is bound and cast into the abyssos, and the saints truly become "at one" with Christ as "firstfruits" whom He "by His own will" brought forth by the word of truth (James 1:18)—we will deeply understand that our lives are just beginning.

As powerful kings and priests under Christ, we will be busy rebuilding the earth, healing the nations, teaching God's law and comforting the multitudes. We will be busy repairing six thousand years of mankind's damage, which will have culminated in the prophesied cataclysmic events leading up to Christ's return. When the "meek inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5), the earth will be a smoldering, radioactive and toxic wasteland, having barely survived the terrible Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. It will be our job to work under Christ to repair and to heal the world, rebuilding the "waste places" (Amos 9:13–15). This is why the whole creation groans and yearns for "refreshing" by the firstfruits (Romans 8:19–21).

Satan is seething with rage because he knows that he is headed for the abyss, and that we will "shine like the brightness of the firmament" in incredible power and righteousness (Daniel 12:1–3), much more powerful than he is or ever was! And he knows that we will replace him as righteous rulers of this world, under the King of kings, Jesus Christ!

The only way for us to realize this awesome promise is to resist the devil and humble ourselves deeply before the Lord every single day (James 4:6–10). An integral part of that humbling comes through keeping God's annual Holy Days. As King David humbled himself and through fasting sought God's mercy in the face of his adversaries (Psalm 35:13), so too must we humble ourselves daily—especially on the Day of Atonement.

As we spiritually prepare ourselves for this special day, let us be sure that we are in a very real way drawing closer to God. And, although our adversary seeks to devour us, notice the promise that when we resist Satan, and humble ourselves before God, He is making us ready for His Kingdom (1 Peter 5:5–10)! God speed Christ's return and the establishment of that Kingdom! Let us eagerly look forward to the events that the Day of Atonement portends for us, for Satan—and for the entire creation!