Church Of God History Project 2012

Stories from the Faithful

We all know that Scripture tells us that God wants us to love and learn from our elders, and in every local Living Church of God congregation there are wonderful stories of how God has called men and women into the Truth. Many congregations are blessed to have more than a few faithful "long-time" members, some who God called into the Church 3, 4 or 5 decades ago! We love these faithful long-time members. Their stories are inspiring, and we can learn from them. With this in mind, we launched an exciting "Church of God History Project" and tapped into the talents and enthusiasm of our Church youth. Here are just a few of the many personal testimonies they captured...

How did you come into the Truth?

774194 792821 791569 789657 793163 793165 792306 789053 789186 792906 790026 790072 791503 792419 800908 791510 792893

The views and opinions expressed in these personal testimonies are the views and opinions of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Living Church of God or its affiliates.