Babel's last hurrah! | Tomorrow's World

Babel's last hurrah!

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The G20 Summit held in London recently was an opportunity for the new players on the world scene to change the global financial landscape. Countries that do not subscribe to the United States' and Great Britain's free-wheeling economic model want to increase banking regulations and replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency.

During the discussions, an army of translators accompanied the delegates. The inconvenience of many languages has slowed many an international conference and, though English is widely spoken, it has not become the complete lingua franca that some would have liked.

What does this phenomenon have to do with the G20 Summit, the European Union and the biblical account?

Many today would discount as a myth the story recorded in Genesis of the founding of ancient Babel. Leaving that issue aside, the story still resonates in Stasbourg where the European Parliament meets. The Louise Weiss building is an operational part of the European Parliament but has been built to look like an unfinished project. Many believe that it represents Europe's success in completing what God interrupted by the division of languages in ancient Babel.

The founder of the city of Babel was Nimrod, a grandson of Ham. According to Flavius Josephus's account of this event (written in the 1st Century A.D.), Nimrod sought to usurp God's power.

In Antiquities I,IV,2,3 we read, "Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God…. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through His means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured their happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny – seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence upon his power….Now the multitude were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod, and to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God; and they built a tower…."

After God divided the languages, the population spread out over all of the world. Babel rose and fell as a seat of power in the following centuries. Hammurabi ruled from there. Nebuchadnezzar revived it as his capital and it became the first great empire and foundation of the modern world. In our day it is no longer a thriving city but just ruins in modern Iraq.

Actually the spirit and culture of Babylon made its way to Greece and Rome and is in a state of revival in Europe today. Greek and Roman religion underpins many of the practices and festivals of the Roman Church.

The Holy Roman Empire which has risen and fallen over the past 1,500 years was an alliance between the Teutonic people and the Papacy. Many observers today find it easy to make the connection between the old Holy Roman Empire and the developing European Union.

At Tomorrow's World we continue to announce the coming establishment of a world power that will rule its territory with the same autocracy as Nimrod. Democracy will have no place in the coming European order. Rather we can expect to see a joint rule of two great personages – one political and the other religious.

The decrees of a future Europe will be heard around the world. All nations (including the United States) will come under its aegis and no nation will be able to trade unless they abide by European directives.

If you would like to know more about the future of Europe and how it will dominate the world for a short time before Jesus Christ returns to earth and overthrows it, request a free copy of The Beast of Revelation.

This coming revival will be Babylon's last hurrah!